This page shows a list of all of the posts currently available relating to Interspatial Manifold Theory.
This page shows a list of all of the posts currently available relating to Interspatial Manifold Theory.
IMT EVOLUTION Interspatial Manifold Theory (IMT) was born out of a drive to explain gravity, although inspiration for the theory actually came from looking at a different problem. The theory evolved from a question I (and everyone else) had regarding the behavior of particles in the double slit experiment. A question I was asking, as […]
QUANTUM GRAVITY The question regarding the true nature of gravity has intrigued mankind since the apple incident. IMT has evolved from a primary endeavor to perceive a new type of propulsion system, where, gravity has to be considered one of the most important factors. What is Gravity? Some type of dilation in time-space? This is […]
QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT When theories are right the pieces start falling into place. It is these markers that I look for to authenticate my ideas, and some of the markers for IMT are huge. While looking at how IMT provides Quantum Gravity we saw that each particle has it’s anti-particle in the manifold. We can also […]
MATTER ANTIMATTER BALANCE IMT is based on the notion that anti-matter was not destroyed in the creation of the universe, but diverted to an Interspatial manifold. Exactly how this might have happened, why this happened, or if it is continuing to happen is beyond the scope of this theory at this time. Given that we […]
MAJORANA FERMIONS The existence of the manifold doesn’t have to be the exclusive domain of antimatter. Majorana Fermions could also exist within the manifold. By virtue of it being it’s own antiparticle. A fact that is possibly a reciprocation of it existing within the manifold. In the case of neutrinos this would also explain how […]
OVERVIEW Being able to identify experiments that will ratify a theory is an exciting step forward in proving a theory and having it accepted by the scientific community. Below we explore some of the experiments and analysis that I would like to undertake in the short to medium term. This would help me prove my […]
OVERVIEW One of the reasons that I am so excited about this theory is that while it provides alternate explanations for exiting forces, it doesn’t try to change the available forces or particles within the standard model that has been so successful. During the evolution of IMT I consistently saw nuclear decay as having a […]
QUANTIZED INERTIA Quantized Inertia is a relatively new concept by physicist Mike McCulloch, at the University of Plymouth in 2007 and is supported by my theory. The idea is that just as gravity comes from particle/antiparticle attraction across the manifold, this field could also create the effect we see materialize as inertia. This quantum or […]